The Other Museum
Capucine Lemaire is an art historian, studied at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, France) in historical, philological and religious sciences. Later, she directed three short films on gender, poverty and burnout between 2011 and 2014, selected at the Cannes Film Festival and by foreign festivals.
She then created and directed a magazine to defend gender equality and wrote to women from around the world.
She now conducts The Other Museum draft, a disability museum with Houari Bouchenak, curator and François Havard, architect.
"The Other Museum, a disability museum as a total manifest territory
The project of the Disability Museum is an artistic, scientific territory out of the ordinary.
Link unit between disability studies, as interdisciplinary dialogue between literature, sociology, gender issues, bioethics, social work, legislative innovation, education and history, and the history of art which also offers an interdisciplinary point of view, while specifying «different» arts, the Other Museum's team wants to be a total structure, of visibility of disabled people through an international artistic program, but also containing a research-related component/department, in order to broaden the fields of intervention and allow the intersection between artistic practices and academic/scientific/academic practices.
The architectural plan, also a motive for research and the common thread of a manifesto of universality, sets itself as a principle and objective to be exemplary in order to allow an autonomous access of the public, and this in all the components of the city and of the society, that he intends to influence. Far from considering the art of disability in relation to academic art, the Sixth Continent thus articulated is far from the norm to better push its borders and hope to make them disappear.
Between the history of disabled artists, the contemporary artistic and cultural practices of people allowed by The O, the latter plays a role of space of representativeness of disability proposing the analysis of the relationship to exclusion, of the unity of comparison with the standard in art, and this within the framework of an additional and necessary complexification for a highlighting of the universal character of Art. "